diff options
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/d11.nim b/d11.nim
index 73ddfe3..811ef9f 100644
--- a/d11.nim
+++ b/d11.nim
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import std/os, std/sugar, std/strutils, std/sequtils
+import std/os, std/sugar, std/sequtils, std/deques
OctoState = Natural
@@ -20,45 +20,43 @@ proc print_map(map: Map) =
stdout.write(('0'.ord +[x + map.width * y]).char)
+iterator neighbours(map: Map, i: int): int =
+ let
+ x = i mod map.width
+ y = i div map.width
+ for dy in countup(-1, 1):
+ for dx in countup(-1, 1):
+ if dy == 0 and dx == 0: continue
+ let
+ x = x + dx
+ y = y + dy
+ if x < 0 or x >= map.width: continue
+ if y < 0 or y >= map.height: continue
+ yield x + map.width * y
proc solve(map: Map): tuple[part1, part2: int] =
current =
flashed = new_seq[bool](current.len)
- flash = new_seq[bool](current.len)
+ pending = init_deque[int](current.len)
flashes = 0
for step in 1..1000:
- #print_map((current, map.width, map.height))
- #echo ""
flashed.apply(proc(_: bool): bool = false)
- current.apply(proc(s: OctoState): OctoState = s + 1)
- while true:
- var any = false
- flash.apply(proc(_: bool): bool = false)
- for i, s in current:
- if flashed[i] or s <= 9: continue
- flashed[i] = true
- flash[i] = true
- any = true
- if not any: break
- for i, s in flash:
- if not s: continue
- let
- x = i mod map.width
- y = i div map.width
- for dy in countup(-1, 1):
- for dx in countup(-1, 1):
- if dx == 0 and dy == 0: continue
- let
- x = x + dx
- y = y + dy
- if x < 0 or x >= map.width: continue
- if y < 0 or y >= map.height: continue
- inc current[x + map.width * y]
+ for i, s in current.mpairs:
+ inc s
+ if s > 9: pending.add_first(i)
var sum = 0
- for i, s in flashed:
- if not s: continue
+ while pending.len() > 0:
+ let i = pending.pop_last()
+ if flashed[i]: continue
+ flashed[i] = true
current[i] = 0
inc sum
+ for i in neighbours(map, i):
+ if flashed[i]: continue
+ inc current[i]
+ if current[i] > 9:
+ pending.add_first(i)
flashes += sum
if step == 100:
result.part1 = flashes