path: root/
diff options
authorTomasz Kramkowski <>2021-12-04 18:31:12 +0000
committerTomasz Kramkowski <>2021-12-04 18:31:12 +0000
commit7a15d394d4cbac2827ce621e58f9c267f3a20df8 (patch)
treef3e5dc70213a7dc27ad2596da18c84650ec49bf2 /
parent351972ca3092e11b436ff629aa4734b055aa4f0c (diff)
day 4: final rewrite, best performance
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 0c7cf4f..4ee51be 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,68 +1,39 @@
-from collections import defaultdict
+from typing import NamedTuple
from utils import open_day
-class Board:
- col_hits: list[int]
- row_hits: list[int]
- has_bingo: bool
- nums: dict[int, tuple[int, int]]
- def __init__(self, cells: list[list[int]]) -> None:
- width: int = len(cells[0])
- height: int = len(cells)
- self.col_hits = [height] * width
- self.row_hits = [width ] * height
- self.nums = dict()
- for y, row in enumerate(cells):
- for x, cell in enumerate(row):
- self.nums[cell] = (x, y)
- self.has_bingo = False
- def call(self, num: int) -> None:
- pos: tuple[int, int] | None = self.nums.pop(num, None)
- if pos is None: return
- x, y = pos
- self.col_hits[x] -= 1
- self.row_hits[y] -= 1
- self.has_bingo = (
- self.has_bingo or
- not self.col_hits[x] or
- not self.row_hits[y]
- )
- @property
- def unmarked_sum(self) -> int:
- return sum(self.nums.keys())
- @staticmethod
- def from_string(s: str) -> 'Board':
- return Board([[int(n) for n in l.split()] for l in s.split('\n')])
+class Win(NamedTuple):
+ index: int | None
+ round: int
-def solve(nums: list[int], boards: list[Board]) -> tuple[int, int]:
- indices: set[int] = { i for i in range(len(boards)) }
- nums_indices: defaultdict[set[int]] = defaultdict(set)
- i: int
- board: Board
- for i, board in enumerate(boards):
- for n in board.nums:
- nums_indices[n].add(i)
- wins: list[int] = []
- num: int
- for num in nums:
- i: int
- board: Board
- winners: set[int] = set()
- num_indices: set[int] = nums_indices.get(num)
- for i in indices & num_indices:
- boards[i].call(num)
- if boards[i].has_bingo:
- wins.append(num * boards[i].unmarked_sum)
- winners.add(i)
- indices.difference_update(winners)
- return wins[0], wins[-1]
+Board = list[list[int]]
+def board_from_string(s: str) -> Board:
+ return [[numidxs[int(cell)] for cell in row.split()] for row in s.split('\n')]
+def resolve(nums: list[int], boards: list[Board], index: int, round: int) -> int:
+ board: Board = boards[index]
+ count: int = sum(nums[cell] for row in board for cell in row if cell > round)
+ return count * nums[round]
nums: str | list[int]
boards: list[str] | list[Board]
nums, *boards = open_day(4).read().rstrip().split('\n\n')
nums = list(map(int, nums.split(',')))
-boards = [Board.from_string(b) for b in boards]
+numidxs = { n: i for i, n in enumerate(nums) }
+boards = [board_from_string(board) for board in boards]
+first: Win = Win(None, max(nums))
+last: Win = Win(None, 0)
+for i, board in enumerate(boards):
+ row: int = min(max(row) for row in board)
+ col: int = min(
+ max(board[y][x] for y in range(len(board)))
+ for x in range(len(board[0]))
+ )
+ win: Win = Win(i, min(row, col))
+ if win.round < first.round: first = win
+ if win.round > last.round: last = win
-part1, part2 = solve(nums, boards)
+assert(first.index is not None and last.index is not None)
+print(resolve(nums, boards, first.index, first.round))
+print(resolve(nums, boards, last.index, last.round))