path: root/19
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '19')
2 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/19/input b/19/input
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a245944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/19/input
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Al => ThF
+Al => ThRnFAr
+B => BCa
+B => TiB
+B => TiRnFAr
+Ca => CaCa
+Ca => PB
+Ca => PRnFAr
+Ca => SiRnFYFAr
+Ca => SiRnMgAr
+Ca => SiTh
+F => CaF
+F => PMg
+F => SiAl
+H => CRnAlAr
+H => CRnFYMgAr
+H => CRnMgYFAr
+H => HCa
+H => NRnFYFAr
+H => NRnMgAr
+H => NTh
+H => OB
+H => ORnFAr
+Mg => BF
+Mg => TiMg
+N => CRnFAr
+N => HSi
+O => CRnFYFAr
+O => CRnMgAr
+O => HP
+O => NRnFAr
+O => OTi
+P => CaP
+P => PTi
+P => SiRnFAr
+Si => CaSi
+Th => ThCa
+Ti => BP
+Ti => TiTi
+e => HF
+e => NAl
+e => OMg
diff --git a/19/ b/19/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91106b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/19/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict, Counter, deque
+from functools import cache
+Chemical = tuple # [int, ...]
+def part1(reactions: dict[int, set[Chemical]], target: Chemical) -> int:
+ outputs: set[Chemical] = set()
+ counts: Counter[int] = Counter(target)
+ for chemical, results in reactions.items():
+ for result in results:
+ for i in range(counts[chemical]):
+ output: list[int] = list()
+ n: int = 0
+ for c in target:
+ if c == chemical:
+ if n == i:
+ output.extend(result)
+ else:
+ output.append(c)
+ n += 1
+ else:
+ output.append(c)
+ outputs.add(tuple(output))
+ return len(outputs)
+# def part2(reactions: dict[int, set[Chemical]], target: Chemical) -> int:
+# unreactions: dict[Chemical, Chemical] = dict()
+# for chemical, results in reactions.items():
+# for result in results:
+# unreactions[result] = chemical
+# @cache
+# def path_len(c: Chemical) -> int:
+# if c == (0,):
+# print('found e')
+# return 0
+# depth = float('inf')
+# for search, replace in unreactions.items():
+# for i in range(len(c)):
+# for j, comp in enumerate(search):
+# if i + j >= len(c):
+# break
+# if c[i + j] != comp:
+# break
+# else:
+# new = c[:i] + (replace,) + c[i + len(search):]
+# depth = min(depth, path_len(new))
+# if depth == float('inf'):
+# return depth
+# return depth + 1
+# l = path_len(target)
+# print(path_len.cache_info())
+# return l
+# def part2(reactions: dict[int, set[Chemical]], target: Chemical) -> int:
+# unreactions: dict[Chemical, Chemical] = dict()
+# for chemical, results in reactions.items():
+# for result in results:
+# unreactions[result] = chemical
+# queue: deque[tuple[Chemical, int]] = deque([(target, 0)])
+# while queue:
+# c, depth = queue.popleft()
+# if c == (0,):
+# return depth
+# for search, replace in unreactions.items():
+# for i in range(len(c) - len(search) + 1):
+# for j, comp in enumerate(search):
+# if c[i + j] != comp:
+# break
+# else:
+# new = c[:i] + (replace,) + c[i + len(search):]
+# print(f'{c} -> {new}')
+# queue.append((new, depth + 1))
+# #print(queue)
+def part2(reactions: dict[int, set[Chemical]], target: Chemical) -> int:
+ unreactions: dict[Chemical, Chemical] = dict()
+ for chemical, results in reactions.items():
+ for result in results:
+ unreactions[result] = chemical
+ def path_len(c: Chemical) -> int:
+ if c == (0,):
+ return 0
+ for search, replace in unreactions.items():
+ for i in range(len(c)):
+ for j, comp in enumerate(search):
+ if i + j >= len(c):
+ break
+ if c[i + j] != comp:
+ break
+ else:
+ new = c[:i] + (replace,) + c[i + len(search):]
+ l = path_len(new)
+ if l is not None:
+ return l + 1
+ return None
+ return path_len(target)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ chem_id: dict[str, int] = dict(e=0)
+ next_chem_id: int = 1
+ reactions: defaultdict[int, set[Chemical]] = defaultdict(set)
+ chempattern: re.Pattern = re.compile(r'e|[A-Z][a-z]?')
+ def add_chem(chem: str) -> int:
+ global next_chem_id
+ if chem not in chem_id:
+ chem_id[chem] = next_chem_id
+ next_chem_id += 1
+ return chem_id[chem]
+ with open('input_reddit') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ if line == '\n':
+ break
+ chem, expansion = line.strip().split(' => ')
+ reactions[add_chem(chem)].add(tuple(add_chem(c) for c in chempattern.findall(expansion)))
+ target = tuple(add_chem(c)
+ for c in chempattern.findall(next(f).strip()))
+ test_reactions: dict[int, set[Chemical]] = {
+ 0: set([(1,), (2,)]),
+ 1: set([(1, 2), (2, 1)]),
+ 2: set([(1, 1)]),
+ # 0: set([(0, 1), (1, 0)]),
+ # 1: set([(0, 0)]),
+ }
+ test_target: Chemical = (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2)
+ # test_target: Chemical = (0, 1, 0)
+ print(part1(reactions, target))
+ print(part2(reactions, target))