$name c-stuff $source https://github.com/EliteTK/c-stuff c-stuff is a large collection of small projects and snippets of code. Numerous people have shown interest in these various snippets so although this is not a project itself, it gets a notable mention. Most of the code is licensed under the GNU GPLv3. $desc ## Notable Mentions ### timer timer is a simple command line beeping countdown timer. It has a very simple interface: `timer n{s,m,h,D,M,Y}...` Despite this simplicity, it's an incredibly useful tool, the source for it can be found [here][timer-src] and there is even an AUR package which can be found [here][timer-aur]. [timer-src]: https://github.com/EliteTK/c-stuff/blob/master/timer.c "c-stuff/timer at master ยท EliteTK/c-stuff" [timer-aur]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/timer-git/ "timer-git"