$name AOC 2021 Big Inputs (Big Boys) Big inputs for Advent of Code 2021 puzzles. $desc [TOC] Don't eat all my server data cap, please mirror if you can. If you have a problem with the naming scheme, rename it on your machine. If you see any mistakes and want to tell me, my email is at the bottom of this page. I will be publishing all the generators shortly once I find a moment to clean them up nicely. ## Day 3 * 1000001 lines each with a 100 bit number [Download 3-1000001-100.in.xz (14MiB compressed / 97MiB decompressed)][3-1000001-100.in.xz] Part 1: 386463119445733053722557199393548794069517420395751036911156 Part 2: 356913958942791247617705918285570893096041618195840162127310 ## Day 4 * 900 numbers and 900 boards each 15x15 cells in size [Download 4-900-15.in.xz (308KiB compressed / 796KiB decompressed)][4-900-15.in.xz] Part 1: 22010880 Part 2: 5371020 * 3600 numbers and 3600 boards each 30x30 cells in size [Download 4-3600-30.in.xz (5.6MiB compressed / 16MiB decompressed)][4-3600-30.in.xz] Part 1: 1527513658 Part 2: 199953180 ## Day 5 * 20000 vents on a 6400x6400 field [Download 5-20000-6400.in.xz (160KiB compressed / 436KiB decompressed)][5-20000-6400.in.xz] Part 1: 6530681 Part 2: 9039258 * 50000 vents on a 10000x10000 field [Download 5-50000-10000.in.xz (404KiB compressed / 1.1MiB decompressed)][5-50000-10000.in.xz] Part 1: 30405812 Part 2: 39512010 * 50000 vents on a 10000000x10000000 field [Download 5-50000-10000000.in.xz (660KiB compressed / 1.7MiB decompressed)][5-50000-10000000.in.xz] Part 1: 72068735 Part 2: 113830179 Note: This should take under a minute in total with a compiled language. ## Day 6 * The example sequence `3,4,3,1,2` after 9999999 cycles Solution: 378346 digits 4182599183...6707352532 * The example sequence `3,4,3,1,2` after 67108864 (2^26) cycles Solution: 2539031 digits 3060363545...5483141435 Note: This should take under a minute. ## Day 7 * 1000000 crabs [Download 7-1000000-2.in.xz (3.1MiB compressed / 7.2MiB decompressed)][7-1000000-2.in.xz] Part 1: 348121442862 Part 2: 97051441111920642 Note: This should be doable in under a second. ## Day 8 * 100000 entries [Download 8-100000.in.xz (2.8MiB compressed / 8.1MiB decompressed)][8-100000.in.xz] Part 1: 159946 Part 2: 498570828 Note: This should be doable in under a second (language dependant). ## Day 9 * 4096x4096 with a different basin forming algorithm than the original (I honestly don't know exactly how the original works, but I think mine produces harder basins) [Download 9-4096-4.in.xz (4.3MiB compressed / 17MiB decompressed)][9-4096-4.in.xz] Part 1: 152649 Part 2: 101367520960 Note: This should be doable in under a second. * broken 4096x4096 - There are basins with multiple local minima. [Download 9-4096-2.in.xz (4.3MiB compressed / 17MiB decompressed)][9-4096-2.in.xz] Part 1: 149706 Part 2: 4971158490375 (5292585633483 if you count duplicate basins) ## Day 10 * 10000 lines each with a pre-mangled length target of 1000 characters [Download 10-10000-1000.in.xz (3.1MiB compressed / 9.2MiB decompressed)][10-10000-1000.in.xz] Part 1: 32852823 Part 2: 105721020868542718163333508098695965856824383141538359 Note: Part 2 %2^64: 11022194402702354999, %2^32: 1113549367 - feel free to avoid the bignum requirement. [3-1000001-100.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/3-1000001-100.in.xz [4-900-15.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/4-900-15.in.xz [4-3600-30.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/4-3600-30.in.xz [5-20000-6400.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/5-20000-6400.in.xz [5-50000-10000.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/5-50000-10000.in.xz [5-50000-10000000.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/5-50000-10000000.in.xz [7-1000000-2.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/7-1000000-2.in.xz [8-100000.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/8-100000.in.xz [9-4096-2.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/9-4096-2.in.xz [9-4096-4.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/9-4096-4.in.xz [10-10000-1000.in.xz]: https://the-tk.com/files/aoc2021-bigboys/10-10000-1000.in.xz