/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Tomasz Kramkowski * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include #include "eprintf.h" #include "gl.h" #include "glprog.h" enum { LOGSIZE = 1024, }; static GLuint load_shader(const struct shdrdat *shdr) { GLuint id; GLint success; char log[LOGSIZE]; id = gl_shdr_create(shdr->type); gl_shdr_source(id, 1, &shdr->src, &shdr->len); gl_shdr_compile(id); gl_shdr_param(id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success); if (!success) { gl_shdr_infolog(id, sizeof log, NULL, log); eprintf("Failed to compile shader:\n%s", log); } return id; } void detach_shaders(GLuint prog) { GLsizei count; GLuint shdr; while (gl_prog_getshdrs(prog, 1, &count, &shdr), count) gl_prog_detachshdr(prog, shdr); } GLuint glprog_load(int nshdrs, const struct shdrdat *shdrs, int nunis, const struct unidat *unis) { GLuint prog; GLint success; char log[LOGSIZE]; assert(nshdrs > 0); assert(shdrs != NULL); assert(nunis <= 0 || unis != NULL); prog = gl_prog_create(); for (int i = 0; i < nshdrs; i++) { GLuint shdr = load_shader(&shdrs[i]); gl_prog_attachshdr(prog, shdr); gl_shdr_del(shdr); } gl_prog_link(prog); gl_prog_param(prog, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success); if (!success) { gl_prog_infolog(prog, sizeof log, NULL, log); eprintf("Failed to link program:\n%s", log); } detach_shaders(prog); for (int i = 0; i < nunis; i++) *unis[i].loc = gl_uni_loc(prog, unis[i].name); return prog; }