FAQE ==== Faqe is a simple quake-inspired clone. It is currently a work in progress. Dependencies ------------ - OpenGL 3.3+ - SDL2 - eprintf (make) - libpng 1.2+ - linmath (make) - GNU make (make) - pkg-config (make) - bie (make) Compilation ----------- Make sure a copy of the linmath and eprintf modules can be located in the directory containing the faqe project. Optionally `EPRINTF_PATH` and `LINMATH_PATH` can be set to specify their locations. You can use config.mk to permanently specify any compilation options (including the aforementioned `_PATH` variables). Then run `make`. The project does not have an install target yet. Assets ------ faqe currently looks for assets relative to its working directory. Assets should be located in a directory called "assets". faqe currently only tries to load one model called "utah.fmd". Example assets can be downloaded from [here][assets]. [assets]: https://the-tk.com/shit/assets.tgz "Example Assets"