/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Tomasz Kramkowski * * This program is free software. It is licensed under version 3 of the * GNU General Public License. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define WIDTH 500 #define HEIGHT 500 #define ANT_BPOS(ant) ((ant)->buffer[(ant)->posy * (ant)->width + (ant)->posx]) enum ant_direction { NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST }; typedef struct ant { uint8_t *buffer; char *actions; uint16_t width, height; uint16_t posx, posy; enum ant_direction direction; } Ant; Ant *ant_new(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, char *actions) { Ant *ant = malloc(sizeof(Ant)); ant->buffer = calloc(sizeof(uint8_t), width * height); ant->actions = strdup(actions); ant->width = width; ant->height = height; ant->posx = width / 2; ant->posy = width / 2; ant->direction = NORTH; return ant; } void ant_del(Ant *ant) { free(ant->buffer); free(ant->actions); free(ant); } void inline ant_left(Ant *ant) { ant->direction = ant->direction == 0 ? 3 : ant->direction - 1; } void inline ant_right(Ant *ant) { ant->direction = ant->direction == 3 ? 0 : ant->direction + 1; } void inline ant_forward(Ant *ant) { if (ant->direction & 1) { /* EAST or WEST */ ant->posx = ant->direction == EAST ? ant->posx + 1 : ant->posx - 1; } else { ant->posy = ant->direction == SOUTH ? ant->posy + 1 : ant->posy - 1; } } void ant_simulate(Ant *ant) { uint8_t act_current = ANT_BPOS(ant); uint8_t act_next = ant->actions[act_current + 1] != '\0' ? act_current + 1 : 0; if (ant->actions[act_current] == 'L') { ant_left(ant); ANT_BPOS(ant) = act_next; ant_forward(ant); } else { ant_right(ant); ANT_BPOS(ant) = act_next; ant_forward(ant); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: ant \n"); exit(1); } xcb_connection_t *connection = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL); xcb_screen_t *screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(connection)).data; uint32_t mask = XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEL; uint32_t values[] = {screen->black_pixel}; xcb_drawable_t window = xcb_generate_id(connection); xcb_create_window(connection, 24, window, screen->root, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 1, XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, screen->root_visual, mask, values); xcb_pixmap_t pixmap = xcb_generate_id(connection); xcb_create_pixmap(connection, 24, pixmap, window, WIDTH, HEIGHT); uint8_t *img = malloc(WIDTH * HEIGHT * 4); xcb_image_t *image = xcb_image_create(WIDTH, HEIGHT, XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, 8, 24, 32, 0, XCB_IMAGE_ORDER_MSB_FIRST, XCB_IMAGE_ORDER_LSB_FIRST, img, WIDTH * HEIGHT * 4, img); mask = XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_BACKGROUND; values[0] = screen->black_pixel; values[1] = 0xFFFFFF; xcb_gcontext_t gc = xcb_generate_id(connection); xcb_create_gc(connection, gc, pixmap, mask, values); xcb_image_put(connection, pixmap, gc, image, 0, 0, 0); xcb_map_window(connection, window); xcb_flush(connection); uint8_t value = 0; uint32_t *limg; uint32_t step = 0; Ant *ant = ant_new(WIDTH, HEIGHT, argv[1]); putchar('\n'); while (1) { printf("\rStep: %d", step++); fflush(stdout); limg = (uint32_t *)image->data; for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH * HEIGHT; i++) { uint32_t colour = 0; colour |= (ant->buffer[i] & 1) * 0xFF << 0; colour |= (ant->buffer[i] >> 1) * 0xFF << 8; colour |= (ant->buffer[i] >> 2) * 0xFF << 16; *(limg++) = colour; } xcb_image_put(connection, pixmap, gc, image, 0, 0, 0); xcb_copy_area(connection, pixmap, window, gc, 0, 0, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); xcb_flush(connection); value++; ant_simulate(ant); } return 0; }