# brightness A basic logarithmic scale sysfs brightness adjuster # Usage Increase by 10%: ```shell # brightness /sys/class/backlight/your_backlight +10 ``` Decrease by 6.25%: ```shell # brightness /sys/class/backlight/your_backlight -6.25 ``` Set to 50%: ```shell # brightness /sys/class/backlight/your_backlight 50 ``` For more information, read the brightness(1) man page. # Building and Installation While the package itself has no dependencies outside of python 3.4, the build and installation process depends on `install`, `scdoc` and the `build` and `installer` python packages. To generate the man page run `scdoc brightness.1` To generate the wheel run `python -m build --wheel` To install the resulting files run: ```shell $ python -m installer --destdir "$destdir" --prefix "$prefix" dist/*.whl $ install -Dm644 brightness.1 "$destdir$prefix/share/man/man1/brightness.1" ``` Please note, using the `installer` from a venv will result in the brightness script inheriting the venv python interpreter path. If this is undesirable, edit the script after installation or don't use a virtualenv for the `installer`. # Contributing Please add tests where appropriate. To run the unit tests run `python -m unittest`. Please use `black` and `isort` to format the code. While I consider this project feature-complete, new features will be considered assuming they are easy to maintain and are not breaking changes. Adding new dependencies is considered a breaking change.