from import Callable, Iterator from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import total_ordering from sys import stdin from typing import Self from utils import Dir, a_star @total_ordering @dataclass class Pos: x: int y: int direction: Dir | None = None def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Pos): return (self.x, self.y) == (other.x, other.y) return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Pos): return (self.x, self.y) < (other.x, other.y) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.x, self.y, self.direction)) def manhattan(self, other: Self) -> int: return abs(self.x - other.x) + abs(self.y - other.y) def make_neighbours( width: int, height: int, min_dist: int, max_dist: int ) -> Callable[[Pos], Iterator[Pos]]: def neighbours(p: Pos) -> Iterator[Pos]: if p.direction not in {Dir.NORTH, Dir.SOUTH}: for dy in range(min_dist, max_dist + 1): if p.y - dy < height and p.y - dy >= 0: yield Pos(p.x, p.y - dy, Dir.NORTH) if p.y + dy < height and p.y + dy >= 0: yield Pos(p.x, p.y + dy, Dir.SOUTH) if p.direction not in {Dir.EAST, Dir.WEST}: for dx in range(min_dist, max_dist + 1): if p.x + dx < width and p.x + dx >= 0: yield Pos(p.x + dx, p.y, Dir.EAST) if p.x - dx < width and p.x - dx >= 0: yield Pos(p.x - dx, p.y, Dir.WEST) return neighbours inp = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in stdin] def normalize(n: int) -> int: return min(1, max(-1, n)) def d(a: Pos, b: Pos) -> int: ndx = normalize(b.x - a.x) ndy = normalize(b.y - a.y) total = 0 if ndx != 0: for x in range(a.x + ndx, b.x + ndx, ndx): total += int(inp[a.y][x]) elif ndy != 0: for y in range(a.y + ndy, b.y + ndy, ndy): total += int(inp[y][a.x]) return total goal = Pos(len(inp[0]) - 1, len(inp) - 1) p1neighbours = make_neighbours(len(inp[0]), len(inp), 1, 3) print(a_star(Pos(0, 0), goal, p1neighbours, goal.manhattan, d)) p2neighbours = make_neighbours(len(inp[0]), len(inp), 4, 10) print(a_star(Pos(0, 0), goal, p2neighbours, goal.manhattan, d))