from utils import open_day, sliding_window from enum import Enum, auto from itertools import count import cProfile def display(sandbox, minx, miny, maxx, maxy): for y in range(miny, maxy + 1): line = [] for x in range(minx, maxx + 1): p = x, y if p in sandbox: if sandbox[p] == Tile.WALL: line.append('#') else: line.append('o') else: line.append('.') if x == 500 and y == 0: line[-1] = '+' print(''.join(line)) def point_from_str(s): return tuple(int(d) for d in s.split(',')) class Tile(Enum): WALL = auto() SAND = auto() class Sandbox: def __init__(self, source=(500, 0)): self.tiles = dict() self.source = source self.minx, self.maxx = source[0], source[0] self.miny, self.maxy = source[1], source[1] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key[0] < self.minx: self.minx = key[0] elif key[0] > self.maxx: self.maxx = key[0] if key[1] < self.miny: self.miny = key[1] elif key[1] > self.maxy: self.maxy = key[1] self.tiles[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.tiles[key] def __str__(self): lines = [] for y in range(self.miny, self.maxy + 1): line = [] for x in range(self.minx, self.maxx + 1): p = x, y match self.tiles.get(p): case Tile.WALL: line.append('#') case Tile.SAND: line.append('o') case None: line.append('.') if x == self.source[0] and y == self.source[1]: line[-1] = '+' lines.append(''.join(line)) return '\n'.join(lines) def simulate(self): for units in count(): sandpos = self.source while self.minx <= sandpos[0] <= self.maxx and \ self.miny <= sandpos[1] <= self.maxy and \ self.source not in self.tiles: for dx in (0, -1, 1): npos = sandpos[0] + dx, sandpos[1] + 1 if npos not in self.tiles: sandpos = (sandpos[0] + dx, sandpos[1] + 1) break else: self.tiles[sandpos] = Tile.SAND break else: break return units sandbox = Sandbox() with open_day(14) as f: for line in f: for b, e in sliding_window(map(point_from_str, line.rstrip().split(' -> ')), 2): minlx, maxlx = min(b[0], e[0]), max(b[0], e[0]) minly, maxly = min(b[1], e[1]), max(b[1], e[1]) for x in range(minlx, maxlx + 1): for y in range(minly, maxly + 1): sandbox[x, y] = Tile.WALL p1 = sandbox.simulate() print(p1) floory = sandbox.maxy + 2 height = floory - sandbox.source[1] for x in range(500 - height, 500 + height + 1): sandbox[x, floory] = Tile.WALL #'sandbox.simulate()') print(p1 + sandbox.simulate())