path: root/src/
diff options
authorMarkus Reiter <>2024-01-12 20:24:51 +0100
committerDiego Barrios Romero <>2024-01-19 11:23:31 +0100
commitb3ca672f70c71194da40a7670549a8264c13d971 (patch)
tree1f316806351a059ca5b5fccbcf4d790b94c0b471 /src/
parented4cc1dbc5b048332b68a0ebc1d7113d482a74a2 (diff)
Update to `embedded-hal` 1.0.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df23c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+//! ADC input channels
+use crate::{ic, Ads1x1x, BitFlags as BF, Config};
+mod private {
+ pub trait Sealed {}
+/// Marker type for an ADC input channel.
+pub trait ChannelId<T>: private::Sealed {
+ /// Get the channel.
+ fn channel_id() -> ChannelSelection;
+macro_rules! impl_channels {
+ ($(#[doc = $doc:expr] $CH:ident => [$($IC:ident),+]),+ $(,)?) => {
+ #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+ /// ADC input channel selection.
+ pub enum ChannelSelection {
+ $(
+ #[doc = $doc]
+ $CH,
+ )+
+ }
+ $(
+ #[doc = $doc]
+ pub struct $CH;
+ impl private::Sealed for $CH {}
+ $(
+ impl<DI, CONV, MODE> ChannelId<Ads1x1x<DI, ic::$IC, CONV, MODE>> for $CH {
+ fn channel_id() -> ChannelSelection {
+ ChannelSelection::$CH
+ }
+ }
+ )+
+ )+
+ };
+ /// Measure signal on input channel 0 differentially to signal on input channel 1.
+ DifferentialA0A1 => [Ads1013, Ads1014, Ads1015, Ads1113, Ads1114, Ads1115],
+ /// Measure signal on input channel 0 differentially to signal on input channel 3.
+ DifferentialA0A3 => [Ads1015, Ads1115],
+ /// Measure signal on input channel 1 differentially to signal on input channel 3.
+ DifferentialA1A3 => [Ads1015, Ads1115],
+ /// Measure signal on input channel 3 differentially to signal on input channel 3.
+ DifferentialA2A3 => [Ads1015, Ads1115],
+ /// Measure single-ended signal on input channel 0.
+ SingleA0 => [Ads1015, Ads1115],
+ /// Measure single-ended signal on input channel 1.
+ SingleA1 => [Ads1015, Ads1115],
+ /// Measure single-ended signal on input channel 2.
+ SingleA2 => [Ads1015, Ads1115],
+ /// Measure single-ended signal on input channel 3.
+ SingleA3 => [Ads1015, Ads1115]
+impl Config {
+ pub(crate) fn with_mux_bits(&self, ch: ChannelSelection) -> Self {
+ match ch {
+ ChannelSelection::DifferentialA0A1 => self
+ .with_low(BF::MUX2)
+ .with_low(BF::MUX1)
+ .with_low(BF::MUX0),
+ ChannelSelection::DifferentialA0A3 => self
+ .with_low(BF::MUX2)
+ .with_low(BF::MUX1)
+ .with_high(BF::MUX0),
+ ChannelSelection::DifferentialA1A3 => self
+ .with_low(BF::MUX2)
+ .with_high(BF::MUX1)
+ .with_low(BF::MUX0),
+ ChannelSelection::DifferentialA2A3 => self
+ .with_low(BF::MUX2)
+ .with_high(BF::MUX1)
+ .with_high(BF::MUX0),
+ ChannelSelection::SingleA0 => self
+ .with_high(BF::MUX2)
+ .with_low(BF::MUX1)
+ .with_low(BF::MUX0),
+ ChannelSelection::SingleA1 => self
+ .with_high(BF::MUX2)
+ .with_low(BF::MUX1)
+ .with_high(BF::MUX0),
+ ChannelSelection::SingleA2 => self
+ .with_high(BF::MUX2)
+ .with_high(BF::MUX1)
+ .with_low(BF::MUX0),
+ ChannelSelection::SingleA3 => self
+ .with_high(BF::MUX2)
+ .with_high(BF::MUX1)
+ .with_high(BF::MUX0),
+ }
+ }